D: koneelta tai tikulta ei meinannut löytyä kotoa otettuja kuvia. Laitoin sitten kuvan Vijamista, joka istuu keskellä keittiön lattiaa. Viljamin asustuksesta voi jopa huijaantua, että kuva olisi oikeasti viime lomaltani, mutta päivämäärä paljastaa, että otos onkin hiukkasen vanhempi. Siinä Viljami on suunnilleen puolitoistavuotias?
(day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday
Today's challenge was... challenging. I haven't been on any holiday trips, so I don't have any pictures from beaches or museums etc. The only holidays I have had, had been summer and Christmas holidays. So, the Christmas Holiday was the last I had, but I spent it in Helsinki and home, so I didnt take photos.
I tried to find some pictures that would have been taken home, and finally I found this christmassy photo of our cat. This could be a pohoto from my last holiday, but the date tells that it's a bit older. Anyway, it is photo of my parent's kitchen and the kitchen was in a place where I went on holiday.)
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