Juu, tulihan siitä ehkä vähän epätasainen, mutta ei se menoa haittaa. Eipä se viivasuoraan leikattu otsiskaan pysyisi kuosissa. Enkä mitään viivasuoraa haluakaan.
ps. On ikävä omaa hiusväriä, miksei tämä keinoväri lähde jo pois!!?!?
(I got bored with my too-too-long fringe, so I took nail scissors and cut my hair. Even though the nail scissors are not the best equipment for hair-cutting. Even though a hairdresser friend of my sister has said that fringe doesn't suit me. And even though my bf thinks that I shouldn't cut my hair myself.
Well, the result isn't very straight, but it doesn't matter.
ps. I miss my natural hair colour, I can't wait to have it back!)
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